Rewards & Recognition

Our values are at the heart of all our rewards and recognition. We believe in celebrating and rewarding the achievements and successes of the individuals within our school as well as the school community as a whole.  We strive to ‘widen horizons’ and encourage our young people to aim high and believe that no goal is out of reach. Our weekly celebration assembly is an important way for us to celebrate excellence and spotlight pupils who have shown effort.

Dojo Points

Pupils are awarded Dojos by any adult in school which are tracked and shared through ClassDojo. Dojos are awarded for displaying any of the Larks Hill values of resilience, teamwork, independence, respect and excellence in lessons. House points are also given to pupils for their:

  • Impressive learning behaviour
  • Positive attitude
  • Exceptional behaviour
  • Completion of homework tasks

The weekly totals for each of the houses are shared by Team Captains in a celebration assembly. The Colour team with the most points receive an extended playtime that week. A school total is collected each week and divided into a numerical value, this equates to a number of cubes in the jar. Once the jar is filled, we hold a whole school reward. This could be a film and treat afternoon or an afternoon of multi sports. The reward is decided by our School Council.

Certificates and pin-badge stars will be awarded when pupils meet the following milestones throughout the year:

  • Bronze Certificate 50 house points
  • Silver Certificate 150 house points
  • Gold Certificate 250 house points
  • Platinum Certificate 500 house points
  • Bronze Star 100 house points
  • Silver Star 200 house points
  • Gold Star 400 house points
  • Platinum Star 600 house points


Star of the Week Certificates

A ‘Star of the Week’ certificate is awarded to a pupil from each class every week. The teacher/adults in the class are responsible for selecting recipients based around a something that is individual to that pupil. Such as an individual goal or demonstrating an improvement in their work or attitudes. Children are presented with a certificate during our celebration assembly. This is shared with parents via a tweet and the pupil names are included on the weekly newsletter.

Headteacher’s Certificates

Pupils receive a Headteacher’s certificate for demonstrating exemplary learning behaviours or for outstanding achievements.

Attendance Rewards

We know how important attendance is to ensuring pupils are able to maximise the opportunities to fulfil their potential. Each week, if a pupil has 100% attendance for that week, they are entered into a draw. The winner gets to choose their prize from a range of items that are always displayed in our hall as a reminder for positive attendance.

At the end of the year, the pupils who have 99%+ attendance also receive a special reward.

Lunchtime Reward

At lunchtimes, if our pupils display fantastic manners or help others, they are given a lunchtime reward. This means that teachers and School Leaders can recognise the pupils who live out our school values seamlessly and without reminders, particularly in unstructured times.

Reading Raffle

At Larks Hill, Reading is at the core of everything we do and this is included within our rewards and celebration strategy. If a pupil reads at least 4 times within a week, they are included in our weekly reading raffle. A ticket is drawn out for each phase of school. The winning pupils are able to choose a book to keep from our amazing book vending machine.

Caught Being Good

At Larks Hill, we reward the small things that make a big difference to the daily routines of our school. Pupils can attain a daily point score in a variety of ways to produce a weekly total. The Class with a highest CBG total has an end of week treat such as a bag of sweets or small chocolate gift. The CGB’s can be earnt through:

  • 96%+ class attendance
  • Full correct school uniform
  • Full correct PE uniform.
  • Read at least 4 times a week.
  • Classroom is left tidy at the end of each session.

Always Child

Each week, a teacher chooses their ‘Always’ child. This is a pupil who has consistently demonstrated excellent behaviour and learning attitudes all week and is ‘always’ leading by example. This pupil is selected and will spend time with a member of the SLT at the end of the week and enjoy a variety of treats as a reward.

Twitter- Showcasing Excellence

Throughout the year, we recognise pupil achievements through our school Twitter account. These include pieces of exemplary work, winners of sporting tournaments, performance in a school production, receiving a headteacher certificate, fundraising events, the list goes on! Please make sure you follow us on Twitter, @PATLarksHill to keep up to date with all our activities and to help us celebrate the successes of our wonderful school community.

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly

The annual Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly is a special event in the school calendar and provides an opportunity to celebrate our Year 6 pupils before they head off to High School. Pupils’ families are invited to the school to attend a special assembly which celebrates their achievements.