Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development

At Larks Hill, through regular worships, references in RE and other lessons, as well as opportunities in other areas of the school, children are taught the values of SMSC.

As a school we welcome pupils from all backgrounds and are proud of how children and their families from other cultures are welcomed by our children and the rest of the school community.

In all teaching the teachers look to inspire the children. Teachers look to develop a love of learning and a working atmosphere where children enjoy learning. Children are given opportunities to take on responsibility around the school: Y6 Prefects, House Captains, Class Monitors, Eco Council, School Council and After-School Clubs.

The school has a clear Behaviour Policy that sets high expectations and promotes a good moral understanding, mutual respect, tolerance and understanding. Each class has the opportunity each year to perform to other year groups and their parents through a year group assembly and annual phase performance – Drama and Music performances, School Fixtures and Inspire/Celebration Assemblies.

Friendship, respect and tolerance are taught as part of our Personal, Social, Health Education programme. Through a combination of approaches, we ensure that children develop an understanding of the key British Values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Mutual Respect, Personal Liberty and Tolerance of other faiths and cultures.